
We offer a fully-automated Web-based telephone campaign system for placing high volumes of interactive informational calls. This powerful service is offered exclusively to social change organizations.

By calling in to an automated message-setup line, celebrity voice talent can record — or revise — campaign messages in minutes, at any time of day or night.

By following simpe instructions, customers record their messages via telephone — rather than in a studio — for the most authentic, and effective, recordings obtainable. Using a Web browser, campaign manaagers then review the recordings before releasing the message.

At any time, the campaign organizer can revise the content of the broadcast, change the 'Caller ID' information, pause the broadcast, or upload additional telephone numbers. There is no minimum size for each broadcast, even with complex interactive messages.

Fully Interactive.
Interactive menus, set up in seconds through a Web browser, allow call recipients to identify themselves to donate or volunteer, to request lawn signs or rides to the polls, or to connect with a human operator, at the touch of their telephone buttons.

Messages can be recorded in any number of languages for targeted neighborhoods and ethnic lists. Call recipients choose a language using their telephone dialpad. A bilingual message can be recorded separately to be left automatically on answering machines.

Instantaneous Reporting and Rapid Revision.
Campaign organizers can track audience retention and response rates in real time with dynamic Web-based statistics and reports — and to revise and refine messages in minutes.

"When we use the Voice Messaging System to advertise events, we get amazing crowds... even in place like Kamloops, where you would normally be surpirsed to se 50 people — pouring rain, outdoor event, over 150 people. Victoria, over 800."

Brad Field, Asst. Director of Organization,
New Democratic Party of Canada



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Toronto: 416.405.8073